Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Look Younger Than Your Age

Some of the most visible signs of aging appear on your face in the form of wrinkles, age spot and laugh lines. But this is not all. There can be some other signs as well such as weight gain and loss of lean muscle.

Though there are many anti aging creams and topical ointments that claim to reduce wrinkles and other visible signs of aging, nothing seems to work better than HGH supplements.

HGH or human growth hormone is the hormone that is naturally produced by your body and it is the hormone behind all growth processes in your body.

The production of HGH in your body begins slowing down with the onset of adolescence and this triggers the aging process. Reduced HGH levels tends to leave cell damage in your body that occurs on a normal day to day basis unattended and this is what makes you old and aged.

HGH production in your body can be enhanced with the help of a regular exercise routine and proper diet.

It is known that regular exercise can help stimulate HGH production in your body. Not only this, certain foods that are rich in antioxidants and contain amino acids like l-arginine are also known to reduce age effects.

Antioxidants flush out toxins from your system and makes your metabolism faster. This can help your body burn fat at a faster rate and reduce your weight. Not only this, it is also likely to increase your energy levels.

L-arginine help stimulate the production of HGH in your body. Foods that are rich in l-arginine include lean meat, dairy and poultry products, oatmeal, granola, nuts etc.,

Besides this, if you really want to look younger make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is the most natural way to rejuvenate and recharge your body. People who are sleep deprived often like worn out and older than their years.

One of the main reasons behind this is that HGH is secreted in your body during the first few phases of deeo sleep and lack of sleep disturbs your hormonal cycle that results in lower HGH production.

HGH Supplements

In addition to above, natural HGH supplements are one of the best remedies not just to make you look younger but also to make your function younger.

Such supplements are packed with amino acids and other ingredients such as l-arginine, l-glutamine, l-valine, green tea extract, gaba, astragalus etc.,

Such supplements not only reduce wrinkles and age spots from your face but also help you increase lean muscle and reduce body fat. They help you get a well toned muscular body. Not only this, they also help boost your libido and ensure better sexual function.

Such supplements also reduce LDL cholesterol and improve lung and hearty function. Besides this, they can also elevate your mood and improve sleep quality.

There is nothing in your body that does not benefit from such supplements.

What is more interesting is that such supplements do not have any side effects.

Good quality HGH supplements are clinically approved and contain up to 1000mg of amino acids per serving in order to ensure best results.


MBA said...

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